I am doing scattered thoughts once again this week for two reasons. One, because I can not do Sunday Photo because I was completely brilliant and brought my camera along with me but no memorycards!!! and secondly because I have been internetless for the past week I don't really have one post but rather a collection of thoughts and things to share.
1. I think I would be loath to live in any city, but if I had to Victoria would be a lovely one. Not only is it a gorgeous city I love the fact that you can walk everywhere- to the grocery store, to church, to work, to downtown. I am sure that in the pouring rain it would lose some appeal but right now with the smell of fall in the air and the crunch of leaves underfoot it is fantastic.
2. Why is it that you can live in the same town as some people and NEVER EVER bump into them and others you can't get away from. I served this one old couple coffee every afternoon when I worked at
Hofstede's. Now where ever I turn they are.. .like in the hospital cafeteria at Royal Columbia and now at a little deli in Victoria.. what are the chances.
3. I once again have decided that if prawns were any larger I would be VERY scared of them. I thought last time it was just because I had never seen a real one before. This time as we caught and counted all 205 of them I decided they were definitely scary looking. How ever.... they are small and taste ever so good with their head snapped off and dipped in garlic butter.
4. Sailing this week was amazing. We got to sail lots and in some gorgeous sunshine. Even anachoring undersail on the last night. The group of kids on was a fantastic bunch from Cedars Christian up in PG.
5. Climbed up
Mt Norman on Pender Island on Tuesday morning. A bit of a burn up the side of the mountain but what stunning views of all the Gulf Islands. If you are ever on Pender Island it is a great little hike.
6. Deepfried Cheesecake, whats your thoughts on that? mine was abit dubious but WOW can you say good. Its a Mexican treat. Think baked cheesecake wrapped in a tortilla, deepfried, and then served with vanilla icecream sprinkled with cinnamon. Lets just say its a good thing we did lots of walking but great experience.
7. My call to worship this morning was a century old song of the bells, an awe invoking sound.