Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Family Time

Fall. My absolutely most favorite time of year.
Between going away, Corina being in her last year of school (HOORAY!!), and me working my 7 weekends in a row (yuck). we havn't been able to spend to much time together lately but last week on Tuesday morning we snuck in a few hours. We headed up to bridal falls. now I am a horrible backyard tourist, would you believe that the last time I was at bridal falls was in excess of probably 12years !!! It did not disappoint and was lovely. A nice short walk on a trail covered in crisp orange leaves and refreshing mist up close to the falls.

And then today. Relaxing post three night shifts afternoon. A little Starbucks date with my sister and niece and then great family time in the kitchen. Elena and I making homemade pizza for supper while Joel and Emily did "schoolwork"

Some phone time with "great" aunt wilma!!


  1. Great Aunt Wilma loves chatting with her little princess - she feels moments of extreme happiness as she tries desperately to decode what Little M is trying to tell her!

  2. Great pictures of Bridal Falls...really love the one where you're almost looking up the falls. Beautiful!!
