Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Trip 2

Trip 2 - The second trip of the summer which would roughly follow the same ground as trip one with little variations.  The trip started with sun over top of us but incredible rainbows and lightening to the south.  We had a ripping sail down Haro Strait which was a great way to start a trip. 
 Had a birthday the first day so I cranked out owl cupcakes... Tristan and Michelle doing their best owl impressions. 
 We went through Active Pass and into the Strait of Georgia around 8- the lightening/storm sky was incredible and followed us for 2-3 hours.. never overtop of us thankfully but incredible to watch
 Owl Faces
 Nightrun aft cabin table... charts galore and cupcakes hiding from the sweltering heat of the galley
 We motered up against a headwind the entire night and got to Savary Island just after lunch where we went ashore for games and swimming.  Savary is a little island paradise of gorgeous beach houses and white sand beaches. 

 Michelle and I having a "WE ARE AT WORK!!!" moment
 Heading into Desolation Sound
 I found my place!!! Melanie Cove and Melanie Point... We didn't actually go there because we didn't fit but we anchored in a gorgeous little cove near by
 Day 4- Tenetos Lake... super nice and warm

 Day 4/5 we were once again at Teakerne Arm Falls... rafted with the Grace.  I have no pictures of that but had one of the best times of the trip.. .Kailey ( the cook on the Grace) and I went in the Zodiac to the falls alone and showered and sat behind the falls and chatted and hung out for 1/2 hour.  It was gorgeous and amazing beyond words. 
Heading back south after Teakerne the sun was relentless... suntarps went up and the galley was almost unbearable. 
 Day 6 we were anchored in the Fagen Islets.  Gorgeous Sunset while we had relay races.

 And then just as the sun was just disappearing a family of Orcas swam close to the boat for about 1/2 hour. IT was a simply magical time. 
My favorite meal of the trip..... I didn't have to make it!!!  Sam made Sunday Morning breakfast for me.
 Not to many pictures of Day 7-10 but we continued to make our way south ... through picturesque Gabriloa Pass, Sunday Service in the Sunset at Thetis Island and the Chatham Island.  But we sailed, , shared Jesus, talked with trainees, sang, and laughed .... always.. most of all laughed

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