Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1) I once again take off my hat to mothers especially mothers who work. Managing two kids, two dogs, a household and fulltime + work is not for the faint of heart.  I last about two weeks, tops.

2) I am thinking of this for a bedroom color .. your thoughts?/

3)Since I am not a true mother, I am not above bribes. It is amazing the amount of housework you can get out of a 13 yr old if there is a promise of sticky rice and seafood at the end.

4) I put 49.3 L of gas in my 50 L tank yesterday. Definitely not a fan of that adrenaline rush for the 5mins that I realize that I am that close to empty and remember that filling up on gas was something I was going to do the day before.

5. Happy Birthday to my most special sister Amy, Her birthday was last week and did truly deserve its own post but it didn't happen I am sorry. I pray you have a fantastic blessed year!!

7. Yesterday Rosie and I took the kayaks out for the first time of the year, and the first time using my new kayak!! True to form it was pouring, but the lake was glass, the mountains were misty, we were the only ones out there, and there were two eagles in sitting in a tree.
7. Little Clarice does a fab job hauling the kayak, which is still nameless, around. I must admit it is a bit sketchy as it is about twice as long as the car!!
 8. So blessed to have such a fabulous friend to enjoy all things outdoorsy with.

9. My mom comes home tomorrow!!

10. You know your dog is still a puppy when it coughs and up comes a pop bottle lid!!


  1. mel you make me laugh with that picture of the kayak on top of clarice!!! haha that's totally awesome:) but it worked!!:) anyways thanks for the happy birthday love you lots!! and i miss you every day!!!
    love amy

  2. #2 - from my experience as a painter *cough cough* i think you should go one shade lighter as the colour always turns out darker than it looks on the pic...

  3. Hey Sweetie,
    Congrats on the new mode of transport! Does this mean that Aunt W. needs to buy one? I am of the opinion that Clarise needs a Phillipe. I love the airport pics. Can you email them to me?
    Have a great day!

  4. love this! and the color. you can bribe me anytime. lol
