Monday, May 2, 2011

Spent the last week in paradise on this 140foot piece of awesomeness. Every winter somehow the thrill of sailing fades until my first trip of the spring and suddenly all of me is once again ensconced in the sea. One quickly ignores the inconveniencece of being cold, living with 35 other people in close quarters and no showers. Instead you embrace the love and community of others, the glory of God's Creation 24/7, the thrill of sailing wing on wing, and the rugged beauty of the west coast. There is quiet alonenss with God in the quiet of the morning, the teamwork to haul the main to its height, and the closed bond of friendship. However, the more I sail.. the less I take pictures.. so here is the ones i took this week.


  1. Always love your sailing posts! (well, all your posts :). Looks like you had a fantastic time once again!

  2. Once again these pictures are gorgeous. Thankful with you for these incredible times you spend with friends on the water. Seriously? Our last Bible study lesson on envy came to mind as a reminder for me!
