Monday, December 24, 2012


Emily had her first set of swimming lessons this past month. I managed to come to a few of them and remembered my camera with its dead battery for one of them.  Got these before it went kaputz

I have been working fulltime again. however I am just coming off of doing 10 straight shifts assigned to trauma which leaves little for humorous stories of work. Though  I have come to the conclusion that I have a favorite drug for overdoses.  Probably not a good idea to have a favorite but the reality is is that people do drugs and if they do and overdose and come to emergency I prefer that they do it with heroin.  As far as overdoses go if the person is alone and noone can call 911 it is the most deadly for they will stop breathing, but it is also the most treatable if they get emergency help on time and the only downside of the antidote is projectile vomiting but really... whats a little vomit if it means you are alive.   
I have a bit of an issue when I am tired of having my mind and mouth connect. I tend to talk faster and sometimes skip words.  A person came in post MCI (motor vehicle incident) with multiple complaints of pain- head, neck, various limbs.  He had a head CT and enough xrays to make him lightup like a Christmas Tree.  He returned to me and was complaining that he had only come in because he had bumped his head and no one seemed to be doing anything about it.  I calmly reassured him to his shock that we were checking everything out and that "we did a CT scan of your head to see if there is anything up there"... oops  forgot the "*wrong* up there". 
Snuck in a Christmas/Birthday lunch on Friday
 Amy and Eric are down for the holidays


 Eric hitting up the town with the Aunts

Not to sure about letting those feet touch the wet ground
 Snow has come in time for Christmas!!



1 comment:

  1. thanks Mel for posting the swimming and lunch pics... some really good ones in there!! love you.
