Thursday, June 30, 2016

Life here marches on... as does the road construction in Korah... These little goats caught my eye here against the pink restaurant..

It was a bit of a gray rainy day for house calls but it was a good day.. last visit for N. all the complications from her C-section- are all cleared up now finally 1 month later
Gate to her home....
Beside the hospital is a little café where we go for coffee.. nothing like fresh roasted beans!

Been growing basil and mint in my garden to flavor my water... sometimes getting enough fluid is abit of a challenge
Went to a colleagues home for a baby visit... what I didn't realize was that there is a traditional food that you need to eat on baby visits.... okay I now have a new worst food ever... its kinda like cold congealed porridge hollowed into a volcano that has melted butter and spices in it!!  I have never been so glad for my driver to call and say we had to leave early....
This was a rainy morning at the SOS childrens village for mobile clinics.  Right after this photo my umbrella mysteriously broke while being babysat by these boys... no hard feelings but I am needing to go umbrella shopping in my near future as rainy season has started with a vengeance
This little guy was full of smiles
Last week Nicole and I were riding a bus home and like usually it was packed like sardines. A women got on a stop and started talking to us. Turns out she is a nurse educator at one of the other hospitals.  It was a great connection and she is so lovely.  She invited me to come to church with her on the Sunday and since Nicole was gone for the weekend I added her church service to my Sunday Morning.  It was an experience.. It was an English service at a little chapel.. I was the only person for about the first 1/2 hour and then it filled up a bit more.. like maybe 10 more people.  It was very encouraging and enthusiastic.  So glad to be open to these encounters and meeting new people- Had a great visit at her hospital as well, later that week.
Expanded my baking horizons last week with some Chocolate Zuccini cake.. thankfully the power went off just after it came out -)

Was privileged this past week to organize and lead a mass antibiotic campaign in Korah.  Trachoma is an endemic condition there- it is chlamydia of the eye spread by flies.  Due to the large amounts of garbage, open sewage ect in the area there are large amounts of flies and the incidence of trachoma is high. Trachoma causes the eyelashes to grow inward and scratch the cornea leading to blindness. While ultimately improved sanitation and good hygiene is the best deterrent to the spread of the disease once a year treatment of Azithromycin is also part of the World Health Organizations recommendations for controlling the spread of the disease.  Based on the weights that a previous team had completed on the beneficiaries of the program we were able in advance work out all the dosing for more than 250 people.  Then one morning we went to the breakfast program and dosed all the kids, went to the elders home and the day care and did the same. In under 2 hours we were able to treat 191 people. 

Ah bus travel..(Left) here Nicole sits backwards on the divide between the driver and the rest of the bus.. I was perched precariously in the steps down toward the door... (right)- small pit stop to replace the tire
I am realizing that its good this isn't a true Muslim country because curly hair and headscarfs are not always the best of friends
Saturday Mornings in the Korah Youth Complex.. These girls schooled me at memory...
My little friends and I made popcorn for the kids... we gave up on the charcoal stove and used the hotplate and did small batches.. pretty sure I would starve cooking on charcoal...

Even though I am holding the Egyptian Flag I apparently don't look Egyptian.. got asked by a waitress to leave a table this week as it was reserved for the Egyptian Party
Views from my desk.. resumes, formaldehyde and a tea mug I have not dared look in in about 1 month...
Misty views from my room... don't let people fool you.. Africa is hot Ethiopia is not !!  Living in a concrete home in 10degrees is a little chilly!!!

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