Sunday, September 25, 2016


 Last Sunday was a super exciting day.. after waiting since April Corina joined me in Ethiopia!!! She was only on the ground for about 24 hours before we took off for a quick trip to Kenya.  We spend Monday afternoon resting at the Mennonite Guest house in Nairobi (her recovering from jet leg.. me enjoying the garden and the green after a full 2 months without leaving Addis).  The next morning our tour guide picked us up, we picked up one more guy who was also on the group tour and we set out for the 7 hour bone jarring drive to the Masi Mara Game Park.

Looking out on the Rift Valley
 The lovely tented camp where we stayed just outside the park.  It is the start of low season here so everything was rather quiet which was lovely
 First wild life that we spotted on our game drive... also the first of many babies!!
Giraffes were my favorite!!
Super excited to see some Cheetah brothers hanging out
 Gorgeous Sunset on the Masi Mara... obliging wilderbeast in the foreground
 We headed out early Wednesday Morning for a full day game drive.. these hippos chilling in an oasis

Then it was up the hill for our first pride of lions for the day- This was a mix of female and young males lounging in the sunshine

 Zebras everywhere!!!! loved them to. though if you look to closely at their faces it makes you crosseyed!!
 This makes 15 countries on 3 continents with this amazing friend
Not all the animals were huge.. these little lizards were pretty cute
 Gorgeous Leopard.. these guys are super territorial (only 1 per square 100km) so rare to see them
 2nd pride of lions.. this one was smaller but had this huge guy standing guard
 3rd Pride of lion was a bunch of females hanging out under a tree

 Pulled over for a picnic lunch.. no lions in sight.. just a curious giraffe who kept close watch that we didn't steal any leaves from his tree for our lunch... this is Chris our driver and our trusty van
We saw a few families of elephants but they were pretty shy and didn't come to close.. and they are one species that you keep your distance from .. but look at that cute little baby

 The rangers have controlled burns of some parts of the plains to encourage new grass growth.. this road was the fire break

 This little baby Topy was so new he still had its umbilical cord
 Wilderbeast and Zebra

These are the lazy resident Wilderbeast.... millions migrate south to the Serengeti in August but these guys cant be bothered and just stay and eat dry grass.
 Early morning game drive Thursday morning before driving back to Nairobi

 WaterBuffalo.. pretty much just the cows of the Masi Mara... note the birds on their backs...

 Just on the way out of the park when we heard on the radio about these sweet guys.. mama lion and three little cubs!!.. hard to spot in the grass but cute as can be

 Mama was not to happy with all the company...


  1. Absolutely incredible. Speechless.

  2. Dear Melanie.....long time no comment for you - sorry....nevertheless, still knocked over by the beautiful photos - and the places you have seen! You are blessed indeed to be able to enjoy those sights - and we are blessed indeed to be able to share them via modern (and not so modern) internet connections. Take care, and know we think about you! Love, Aunt Jen♥
