Sunday, March 11, 2012

First Trip

Meet the Crew of the the Pacific Swift!! 

Tristian- The Bosun/Watch Officer , Me  
Michelle- Watch Officer
Sarah- Skipper
Sam- First Mate
                       Robin- Our Office Booking Manager
The office needed new pics for the website and I conviced Robin to let me take them The only way I could force the boys to have their pictures taken and so I could have the files. 

Our first few days went incredibly fast and very well.  I woke up on Wednesday morning suddenly scared and nervous.  But by the end of the day was incredibly happy and at peace with things.  We had a great highly energetic group of grade 7s who brought alot of fun and curiosity into the mix
Tortilla Soup- My first meal for lunch on the Wednesday  

My Flowers in the Galley . I found a wonderful seaglass green vase and have lashed it to a post in the galley so I can have fresh flowers each week or the kids can pick me flowers on the beach. 

The Pacific Grace at Sunrise.  One of the benefits of being cook is the solitude of the early morning that you can steal on deck with a cup of tea after the first batch of muffins etc goes in the oven

My first attempt at yeast bread/bun making.  I had made foccaccia bread on Wednesday but Thursday I tackled making buns for sandwiches for lunch.  They turned out not too bad. 


  1. Congratulations Mel on your first official trip as a cook! The food looks yummy!
    Aunt W.

  2. looks delish!! So proud of you sister <3 and looks like you have a great crew to work with!

  3. that was from Elena by the way :P

  4. Boy, this makes me wish for another trip on the pacific swift. When I went 15 (or so) years ago, we had so much fun, and this brings back alot of good memories! And by the way, the food looks fantastic too!

  5. Man, am I ever glad to read your blog! I was getting nervous about the rainy forecast! Tomorrow we head over to Victoria for a get away! The kids are SO excited about their first ferry ride! I'm glad you're feeding those kids well, we had a terrible experience with the food on that trip, but your food, I'd eat that any day!!!
    Take care

    Steph H

  6. Wish you were the cook when we went in Grade 11! It looks amazing! Hope you have a great time out there!
    Teresa F

  7. food looks awesome - wish you could be my cook...
    miss you very, very, very much but am so thankful for this exciting challenge in your life
    looks wonderful!
