Sunday, April 29, 2012

Six on Sunday

Six on Sunday

1) Went paddling this morning in Esquimalt Harbour this morning.  A few weeks we had anchored in the harbour hiding from too much wind and I spotted this cool old ruins.  We did some research and found out that they are ruins from ammunition storehouses from WWII.  I launched from outside the harbour paddled past Fisgaurd Lighthouse, past the navy docks and into the bay to Coal Island where they are.

This picture is blurry but I still love it.. its a branch which was above the water because the tide was low but its all covered in mussels.
2) My tire changing skills are once again getting a work out.  Picked up a nice drill bit this week =)

3)Spring is coming to land even if it doesn't quite feel like it on the water. Its interesting to come home and see a weeks worth of tree leaves and flowers blooming.  Also a weeks worth of grass growing.. we have yet to figure out what we should do about our postage stamp sized lawn none of us own a lawnmower and the grass just keeps growing.

4) My roommate is away for 6 weeks... kinda wierd leaving and coming home a week later and the house being exactly the same as I left it.  Super nice that the girls are up stairs tho.. sitting up by the fireplace writing this now.

5) Loving this naan recipe for on the boat with my currys and butter Chicken. I just fry it straight on the stove top.

6) "I asked for all things that I might enjoy life; I was given life so that I might enjoy all things"

Reading- Left Neglected
Location- My House =)
Cooking Next- Tortilla Soup


  1. Hopefully this tire changing didn't have to happen in the middle of the night!
    Also will be reading Left book club book.
