Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Week 1

Hi friends.  
I hope you are all well These past few days have been pretty good. A bit up and down with doubts, paperwork stressors and missing people at home but that also being balanced with small breakthroughs, great worship at church on Sunday and encouragement from home. 
Thursday and Friday I went to the hospital both days. Seeing what some of the existing processes are and doing some assessments along side the nurses. When I was here for the few days in January I had made up some documentation forms- they had been used a little bit but it was good to go through the them with the nurses and further explain them, practically apply them and re enforce the importance of full assessments.  A lot of the work with the nurses will be this - developing process for high standards of care within the limitations of the program , creating documentation to support it and then practically implementing and developing critical thinking around the findings of assessments.
Exploring also this week abit more how the hospital is going to develop its charity work. 
Looking forward tomorrow to heading out to Korah and doing some work with the project and seeing dear friends from my previous visit in January.
On Saturday we attended a health fair at the international school- great opportunity to get word out about the hospital and connect with other expat Heath professionals in the country.   On the downside we heard about how difficult it is to register as a expat nurse here and how that is tied to our ongoing visa status. One of the down sides to working with a small local organization vs a international one is the need to comply with the ever changing and fickle local government branches - I definitely have been a bit stressed about this process and would appreciate prayers that this all goes smoothly.
Sunday was a good day- going to church here means a good walk to the train station - a 30min ride on the "skytrain " and a bus ride. Let's just say my usual at home wake up time of 30mins before church starts does not suffice when having to go 1/2 way across the city :) Learned and was reminded about all the ways God calls his disciples to Himself and how we are to respond.  The few people I had met last time I was here were not in attendance but looking forward to making some friends and social connections here as well. 

As for settling in to the rest of life here  it's been an adjustment.... A few items of note
- I had been doing laps around our subdivision much to the amusement is the guard and his puppy dog but I after doing that for two days and getting royally bored I  decided  to venture out and explore my surrounding neighbourhood.

 Well... It's not exactly walking the Vedder Trail!!  Between the people, variety of ground, tuktuks, donkeys and traffic it's abit of a obstacle course.  I feel pretty safe ( traffic danger aside) but I most definitely am the only white person walking about. Add to that the fact that most Ethiopians kinda saunter along I kinda standout in my bright blue jacket as I weave in and around every thing.  Karen C- think of you most days as I tromp along :)
Also I think the greatest danger here is crossing the road !!! I have devised some strategies 1) try find a marked crosswalk (doesn't really mean anything but makes me feel better) 2) make crossings with a group of other people ensuring there is at least one person between you and traffic 3) never hesitate!! 
This is the main road that runs east west through the city

One thing about walking everywhere is the need that is so visible and the battle I have in my heart with each child and old person holding out their hand for money. I know this is not individual to myself, as I have heard it from so many who have traveled to developing countries. .  A few days ago on my walk a fairly well dressed young man approached me.. I started to just wave him off  when he lifted his shirt and showed me his abdomen . He had an ostomy and on his stomach was taped a plastic bag. Stool was oozing and it was not a good situation.   He was asking for money for a new stoma bag- he said he had been shot in Yeman.  I had no money on me but was close to home so had him come with me I was feeling excited that I could actually practically help someone- at the house on the top floor we store extra supplies for the hospital . I found ostomy things that would be sustainable and reusable for him.  However, he ended up not actually wanting ostomy things- when it was clear I wasn't just giving him money he became upset and eventually left.  Cases like these leave me wondering exactly when is helping good and when is it not.  A dear friend before I left gave me a plaque that I have in my room- It states- "do small things with great love" I feel like that is such a great statement and I think I am just going to have figure out what I am going to in each case but it is hard.

My dream in life is to own a little miniature donkey named so these little guys make me smile everytime. 

The doctors who we share the house with are Egyptian Orthodox so following the orthodox calendar means that Easter is coming up in May. For lent everyone is vegan which means that our cook is making vegan Egyptian food for breakfast and supper- lets just say it's a lot of tomatoes and rice. Super thankful for my protein powder I brought with - somehow a banana mango smoothie is more appetizing then beans and tomatoes for breakfast :).  However one of them felt sorry for us on Sunday and cooked us some chicken... I think Ill just stay Vegetarian .....

I am counting down the days until Nicole gets here!! Come on Friday 

Thanks for checking this out friends and each of you for the messages and prayers. I know having me here right now is new and in still on your mind but want to let you know that even as time goes on I covet each and every communication from home.  My email is mel_w@mail.com or If you have whatsapp or Viber apps on your phone my number is  251929087354
PS the internet is giving me huge grief.... teaching me patience I am sure.. The formatting might not be awesome on this but its about as good as it is going to get ;)


  1. Hi dear Melanie......just sending a big hug and prayers for you to be a blessing and to be blessed as you live so far away......LOTS of love. ....Uncle John and Aunt Jen and fam xo

  2. Hi dear Melanie......just sending a big hug and prayers for you to be a blessing and to be blessed as you live so far away......LOTS of love. ....Uncle John and Aunt Jen and fam xo

  3. Dear Bells,
    Missing you lots and thinking of you often. Love reading your updates. Dawson and Mac are sending you lots of hugs and so is U. Don and A. Tien xoxo

  4. Hi dear Melanie......just sending a big hug and prayers for you to be a blessing and to be blessed as you live so far away......LOTS of love. ....Uncle John and Aunt Jen and fam xo

  5. Hi Melanie, not sure why our comment posted 3 different times - maybe the internet out there isn't the only place with problems.....hmmmmmmmmm lol. anyway - at least I've written you 3X already ! Nice to be able to follow along with your life out there..... blessings, love, Auntie Jen

  6. Love your updates! Enjoy the time you spend there and revel in HIS most marvelous works.

  7. very happy to read your week 1 update, Mel! Will go look into Viber right now. We pray for you often here in this house. Here's a big hug from me too!

  8. Love following you here. Thanks for sharing the joys and challenges. ((Hugs)) and prayers from all of us.

  9. Thanks for the sharing your heart here! We will keep you in our prayers...and will definitely continue following along on the journey God has placed you on! I have what's app but I have no idea how to add you. :) Not very techy.
