Thursday, May 19, 2016

Last week was a lot of paperwork!!! A lot of research and deciding what works with our resources, population we are serving.   This was my face when I realized that my Monday morning was to be spent researching hospital morgues and developing policy and documents for our morgue (which we are currently modifying a container to be). 
Nicole pretty excited about our name on the side of a building
This is our favorite little shwarma place down the street for the hospital.. its open air.. pull up a stool at the counter and order.
We became friends with the guy at the stationary store down the street... here Nicole doing our laminating for signs for in the ORs
Nurses week was last week so we made an effort to make it special for our nurse.. We ordered in coffee most days. 
We have a housekeeper who technically also cooks breakfast and dinner for who all live in the house. But Nicole and I each make our own breakfasts... oatmeal and protein shakes.  Dinner we come home.. eyeball up what is on the stove for dinner and most days head out to our favorite vege stand and come home and make a stirfry.  The docs don't understand why we don't want beans for breakfast and usually say no to dinner when it is when unidentifiable meat (liver??.. random stuff just labelled meat) that has been on the stove all day .. But last week we started getting our baking on as well... my first batch of peanut butter cookies... They went over pretty well.
Thursday we headed out to Korah.. got some people set up with rehab equipment.. one with a walker and another lady who broker her leg.. got her set up with some crutches. 
Saturday Morning I headed out of the city. I had been privileged to be asked to join the Hope for Korah leadership Retreat.  We went out to Debra Ziet. Its a small city about 1 hour south of Addis.  We stayed in a place right on the crater lake which is the main attraction there.  It was a full two days full of workshops and learning but was so nice to be out of the polluted city, enjoy some nice views, and spend time with wonderful people who have such a heart of service. I also pulled out my camera for the first time since I have been here!!!
The view down toward the lake had me wishing for my kayak!!!
Where we got to stay... the stairs were killer but the gardens so gorgeous

The Gardens were full of lavender which smelled so amazing!!!

These gorgeous birds had amazing hanging nests

Sunday Morning I snuck out early for a sunrise walk on the country roads and along the lakeside "trail"

These little guys were out on their way to the pasture.  The little ones were maybe a day old!!
Ethiopia's sport is running.  This little group of boys were out for their Sunday Morning training runs with their dads.


The country side trail led to this cliff lined path that led back to the lake
These guys kept me company... and also were a little reassurance that there were no hyenas hiding in the caves... I figured if they were chilling eating grass there probably wasn't to much to be scared of
The lake from the other side. So gorgeous.. Still (not so quiet as the Sunday Morning Prayers broadcast from the Orthodox Churches echoed around the lake)


These lovelies spend their time working as the social workers for all the Hope For Korah Families

Group Photo- Local staff and part of a team here from Canada right now

We spent a Sunday Morning Studying from Romans 12- especially verse 2-3 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God"   Studying together but also time spent in solitude thinking about what it means to be transformed.. how that has happened in our lives but also how we want that to look like in this year ahead and for the years to come.  A big one for me was being transformed and doing and serving in the place where Jesus wants me to be- balancing that with the selfishness that is "what I want".  And then also looking further into Romans and seeing how God blesses us with gifts and calls us to serve in those areas for His Glory.

It was an amazing two days.  Was a bit sad on the drive back to the city.   This week though is going well... updates next week on that.  In the mean time.. I am endeavoring to figure out the postal system here as well.  I love the comments and emails sent to me but if anyone  like Branson who is drawing me pictures wants to actually mail something it can be sent to
 Samrawit Lijalem  P.O Box 7206 Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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