Monday, May 2, 2016

Week 3

This past week has been a full and busy one.  Was so good to have Nicole finally here and working together at the hospital.  We set up more of our education stuff. Started to develop protocols for all areas of the hospital- anaphylaxis protocol, Chest Pain Protocol ect, recovery room guidelines and docmentation.  In the mornings we tend to do admin things like that and then in the afternoon we run patient simulations with the nurses to practice the new protocols, know where to find supplies quickly ect.   We are starting to get into a bit of a routine here.  The health department inspections were also this week which gave us a list of things to work on as well.  Developing organizational structure for a hospital with limited resources is a huge undertaking and is taking quite abit of learning, reprioritizing and patience.  We also got to go to the Canadian Embassy this week and meet with the Trade Commissioner- She was great. Her job is to help get us a bit more connected in the community here- contacts at hospitals, medical associations ect.  

At home our TV options in English are pretty limited... This night it was Tom and Jerry on our fancy computer screen TV
Its not supposed to be rainy season yet.. but for some reason it is.. But the sun comes out and the rainbows shine - view from the hospital window
On Wednesday afternoon we got one of our docs who has a background in physio and rehab to come with us out to Korah to see some of the people there who struggle with long term orthopedic injuries.. he was able to assess them and give them some exercises to increase mobility.
More Donkeys in the Streets of Korah
This young fellow was gored by a bull about 2 years ago. he has had multiple surgeries and battled a huge infection of TB in his bone.. unfortunately his leg seems to be fused at the knee and his mobility is limited. Pray that these exercises and perhaps another surgery will increase his mobility so his pain will be less work options in the future can be greater.  He studies hard at home to make sure his schooling gets completed.

We always walk through this very active lumber yard on our trips to Korah... the WCB rules broken blow my mind everytime =)
This little sweetie has a congenital lower ortho injury.  We spent many hours together on my last trip.. she is still always so happy even though she has to wait probably another 5 years until she is old enough for the surgery to correct her feet and ankles.
In the Evenings Nicole and I browsing in the grocerystore to see what we can get and how deathly expensive things that are imported are.
It was the end of Lent this past week.. the chickens were beady eyed and suspicious about Sunday Dinner but these goat that were living in our neighbourhood seemed to be pretty clueless and just stoked about all the grass. 
Being Carried home for Sunday Dinner
Someone was lucky and having beef for Sunday
A little road side garden center I pass on my walks which makes me think of my mom

We went and visited the Elders on Saturday to drop off some food, health supplies and sing with them,

Saturday We headed up to Korah - Normally the girls play soccer on Saturday but because the field is closed right now the youth complex is open for them. We played soccer in the courtyard and then cooked lunch.  We made wood and charcoal fires, made rice, and then a sauce of onions, tomatoes and spices.  I got my knife taken away from me as cut the onions too big.  It was a little smoky in the cook kitchen but the chatter was non stop and laughter contagious

Fanning the Charcoal Stove
Scooping the soaked rice into the pot on the wood stove
Chopping things up
Stirring the Sauce
Spice it up!!
Then we gathered in the class room to eat and have a bible study on Easter

The rain has been falling and the streets in Korah are super muddy!!!!

However if you want furniture... its still forsale on the road side
On a personal note..we joined some new friends for games night on Friday Night- Cranium a great group game here too!! also  the power at our house has been out now over 36 hours... hopefully it comes on soon ..  candlelight dinner is only nice for so long..


  1. Thanks for the amazing blog Melanie! I loved ever bit of it. It brings back memories...I laughed when you shared how you cross the street. Makes a person a bit more appreciative of all our laws that we like to grump about. Hope you are having a blessed Sunday and know that I will pray for you! hugs from Canada!

  2. Love reading your updates! What an amazing place you are working at. Know you are thought of often
