Monday, December 14, 2009

First Day of the Rest of My Life

Welcome to the rest of my life. I have decided to join the blogging world!! So this morning I woke up and for the first time in four years was not mentally calculating which days were school days, clinical days, and days assignments were due. Not saying that I haven't had breaks before but this morning it was final. My time in the UFV Bachelor of Science in Nursing is over. The next time I complete a task at the hospital I will initial MW RN!!! This has been an amazing journey the past four years as I truly learned an amazing amount of knowledge, met incredible friends, learned so much about myself and really grew up. I went from a 17 year old scared out of my mind on the first day of college to a (gasp) 22 year old nurse. So I hope that as I have a bit more time this will just be a place to reflect on life and share some of the adventure that life is!!

Grad Class December 2009


  1. Congrats again Mel! Wish we had been there last night...what a bummer! God's blessings as you embark on the rest of you life!

  2. Hey Mel,
    I left you a comment the other night... but for some reason, it didn't register. Oh well... I pretty much just wanted to say that I'm excited you're blogging! Love the title! Looking forward to following this blog :)
