Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Last First Day

Today I started what will hopefully be the last first day of fulltime school!!!. In away feels like I have never left school but in one way will be odd as I was just starting feeling comfortable at work and now I am gone for three months and will be coming back into a slightly different role. But in a way it will feel just like the old days with orientation to yet another unit( only my 6th in 1 1/2 years) and a defined student role. The theory part will be intense and the clinical very challenging. My first placement is at Royal Columbia which will be an excellent place to work- busy, lots of different patient presentations and lots of trauma considering that if we ever get anything exciting that is where they are shipped off to. But also very SCARY!! I am excited by the new knowledge, the varied experiences and the world of opportunity that will open up to me when this course is completed but also very intimidated by the impact my application of the knowledge and my actions will have on people's lives. The knowledge is very empowering but one also needs a few other pieces of the puzzle and in nursing alot of that comes through experience which I admittedly lack. However delving in to the world of cardiac interpretation and management and of course the heart stopping world of trauma is going to be fantastic (ly nerve wreaking)

But however in the past few months I have learned a few things that may be useful all readers at various times in their life!!
1) No matter how much you hate country music.. don't pretend to slash your throat- that exacto knife may not be completely closed!!
2) Punjabi should have been offered in school instead of french
3) Do not get drunk- you will break/burn/cut etc your elbow, leg, head ( insert body part name here)
4) Ensure your family members have have current CPR that includes WHEN to use it. If your mother is saying "stop that hurts" it most likely is not the appropriate time to be doing chest compressions.
5)Do not leave any pocessions with psych patients, they may enough meds in their lipstick tube to do some serious harm.
6) When people turn purple from the nipple line up its a bad thing
7) If you come to the ER at 5 in the morning saying that you cant sleep because you work shift work you may not get to much compassion from the doctor who has been up all night
8) Belt Sanders, Table Saws (insert name of shop equipment) make thumbs look VERY nasty
9)Warm Blankets make the world go round and orange Popsicles will stop most kids from screaming

Days of Grace 12:354
1) Stawberry and Cream smoothies with a fantastic friend
2) The appearance of a waterfall in my backyard
3)Wild Spring Weather
4)Shift Swaps so I can sail this summer

1 comment:

  1. super ♥ your list. you are hilarious! you will transition fabulously, i just know it
