Wednesday, April 14, 2010

While yesterday was fantastic thing after another interspersed with a ton of driving to get from one to the other=;). I had a fantastic ride in the morning. I have been sadly neglecting my riding for the past three months between work, school and the weather (the story of the past four years).. has equaled no riding for three months. But yesterday def made up for that working on smoothing out those leg yields and noting like the great feeling of flying changes to remember why I love it so much. Then if was off to Royal Columbia. Wow.. first moments were sensory overload!! But then once the brain registered realized who and what everything was.. its not so bad.. just CROWDED and people everywhere. What an example of the population outgrowing the hospital. But you know what its not as scary now that I have been there because really people having heart attacks, hot strokes ect. are heart attacks no matter where you are its just beyond the doors to the three bed trauma room that the difference lies between ARH and RCH. But my instructor looks like she will be topnotch and she is so easy to talk with I think this will be a fantastic experience.
Then it was off to cousinly get together. My cousin B. is down from Alberta for a child free vacation so Elena, Me, B and her sister S. got together for a gab and Catan fest. What a great time laughed and talked for the entire night. Seen just like the old days when we would hang out definitely have a ton of memories from massive restaurant setups, forts, plays ect.

1 comment:

  1. Massive menu plans and plays and so on and so forth?? Us?
