Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I finally joined the ranks of the "find a good deal at the thrift store/spend more on paint than the item" people. And it is surprisingly fun. At first I was going to commission the ultimate thrifty chick to find something for me.. even had the email all typed up.. but then decided to do it myself.. while kinda by myself I had my trusty sidekick with me.

That is rather blue!!!

Because she helped me pick the chair.. modeling it in the store, had her fast hands on the perfect colour, and sanded, painted and was otherwise the right hand girl. She got to be the first to try the chair out.

Derek came out on his scooter to check things out

So what do you think? A bit bright but perfect addition to a photo shoot and to my living room-to-be


  1. love love love the lines of the chair and that fabulous blue! you did well :)

  2. love it! and once again, fantastic pictures!
