Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sunny Summer

Just in and starting on the homework after a absolutely fantastic sunshiney day. Had a horse show this morning and it was actually a dressage show(impossible to find ones not on Sunday) and C.S Lewis and I did two tests!!! yeah we got 66.5 % and 64.4%- sounds bad.. and it kind of was but good enough for a dead last and a first place (out of two.. but the blue ribbon looks good). Dressage is funny that way, I think the top score of the whole show was 77%. But I was happy for a first one.. and they can only get better.

Lewis was a saint, it was his first ever dressage as well, but he used to be on the jumper circuit so is totally chilled in the show environment which is incrediblly relieving because the last time I had him out in public it didn't did not end well such as throwing me, breaking a halter and running down the road not ending well.

I have none of me riding.. for obvious reasons, but our friend Shourt was there so i will have some pics to share soon. Here are some of Trish W. and her adorable horse Petey
Then it was home for some lawn cutting and assorted house things. Ending with the first dinner of the summer outside. The mother is off gallivanting so we had easy but nummy hamburgers and Greek salad.
Have I mentioned how much I love Greek salad. If there was such a thing as tomuchgreeksaladitis I would definitely have it. But since I don't believe in it, and you can have something that you don't believe exists I am doing just fine!!
Sasha was quite depressed that the invisible dog destroyer of fun doesn't let her reach the dinner table!!

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