Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday Photo

Ive been having bloggerland issues.. so this is/was actually last nights post

Just home from relaxing on the floor at Elena’s post nummy stirfry and basmati rice. So so good, made me kinda thing that basmati rice is maybe what manna might have tasted like.. but as I learned last week… I am no expert on manna. Somehow my brain, fueled by years of Sunday School and grade school had formed the idea that the Israelites got quail every weekend. Apparently not. Yet one more reason why adults should still read the Old Testament Bible Stories!!!
Looking forward to a week filled with a load of interesting stuff (code for busy). Have tomorrow off for homework and riding lesson, than a lecture at BCIT on Tuesday, Clinical Wed and Friday. But highlights of the week Convocation on Thursday!! Yes yes cap and gown here we come. A tad anticlimactical considering I graduated in December but exciting non the less. And then on Saturday a horse show.…not sure why I signed up for that considering I havn’t showed in over two years and rode less than five times the last two months but should be fun non the less.

1 comment:

  1. love that. i too have walked around with mis-formed Bible stories :)
