Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Few of my Favorite Things

Thought I would share a few things that lately have been the "cherries on top" in life.

1. Paper Cranes- I saw these a little while ago and fell in love and thought they would make a good little project. So I found a youtube video and proceeded to fold. They are super adorable done.. I however do not think I shall every be able to make a true Japanese wish because for that I must fold 1000. oh and did I mention that I now don't have a clue what to do with them.

2. Sunsets- I thought long and hard about sunsets/sunrises. Even comparing the sunrise after this sunset and came to the conclusion that the sets won. Even though I love the navy silhouettes of the mountains against the buttery yellow sky the bold lasting colours of a sunset are much more vibrant. Bonus of sunsets to is that they transition into a starry starry sky.

3. My Slippers. I coveted these forEVER but was not willing to spend. However with winter clearance they are mine!!! Think puffy vest for your feet, walking in clouds.. you get the picture.

4. The arrival of daffodils. Some sunny spring time for the kitchen.

5. Nothing like a cute little puppy to make you appreciate your older dog all the more.

6. Days at home with mom. One of the benefits of shiftwork is some home days with Mom, chatting lots and doing whatever (read- housework, baking, hanging out, and the occasional lunch out)Even better when lunch is Chilies
6. When I travel I am a fan of spontaneity, but also am a lover of information (just ask Corina, I am the queen of travel books). But the back country usually doesn't have any information relating to bus stops, train schedules or "turn left at the third light". But this handy little device from my uncle satisfies my need for data.

1 comment:

  1. love the origami -- riley has made some similar birds into earrings but i haven't dared to wear them out of the house ;)
    and the bit about spending time with your mom. i'm sure she ♥s it too
