Saturday, July 30, 2011

I love traveling and vacation (really who doesnt) but I do love my job too even though there are moments when I want to pull my hair out. Here are a two days worth of little gems.

- "No you are not allowed to go out and smoke". Why you ask?. well a few of the relvant factors include the fact that you got hit by a car, have a huge not yet stiched gash on your head, can't walk unassisted., ETOH level is not safe to drive with never mind walk... oh and the big one.. last time we tried any position other than lying flat you passed out cold.

- Karen on my telling her about my patient that walked to the bed, sat down and as I was helping him off with his shirt promptly arrested. Karen " why do people wear shirts anyway.. we should make it a rule that you cant wear a shirt to come to ER"

- not making your dirt bike landing from a height of 35 feet is not on the recommended list of actions.  But I forgive your lack of balance.. you are the only nice non intoxicated person I have ever for an extended period of time in backboard precautions.

- its all in how you land- having to confess that it was the second rung of the ladder you fell off of doesn't make for a good story but sure did a number on that shoulder!!

-Dr E. "is he old??"
Me. "He is...ah...."
Dr E. "mel.. careful"
Me. "actually not that old at all .. maybe 45ish" (haha)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the laugh Mel! Ben and I both chuckled over the 'old' bit :-)
