Monday, May 21, 2012

Pre Wedding

 My Little Sister got married!!!  Here is a brief snap shot of last week. ( If you just want pictures and not my blathering you can double click on the first picture and it will go bigger and into a slide show mode).
Last Monday I was hurriedly racing around Chilliwack doing errands before I hopped in the bag of my dad's SUV for day 1 of a 2 day drive.  This drive to Alberta definitely not the drives of my childhood which I remember. The drive is not so bad over 2 days as an only child in a air conditioned car with a iphone, laptop, and coffee. 

Iphone pics- chilling in the backseat, Glacier National Park, Alberta field, Missing the boat but fulfilling my inner stalker by following them on ShipFinder
Once at Amy's we settled into wedding planning mode, then went out to my Uncle/Aunts to celebrate my cousins birthday. 

Come Wednesday we were in full Wedding mode.. making poofballs by the dozens (well two and a half dozen) I was mighty impressed with Eric's poofing skills. 

 Wednesday Night was the rehearsal (Pics in black and white because my camera was having a hard time liking the stained glass, orange carpet, orange pews, and bright colours everyone was wearing)

 Toeing the Line
 Thursday Morning was Dessert Making morning. 

 It was forcasted to rain the morning of the wedding (and it did) so I took advantage of the non rain to take a few detail pics outside. 
 Amy's Gorgeous dress

 Then we all  headed for lunch pre hall decorating

 The ringbearer came along too
 Then it was off to blitz the hall. Poofs in transport

 Elena coordinating the dessert buffet table
 The finished product

Then it was supper in Lethbridge and a walk with my dear friend Esther and her new little puppy Zola!!

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