Sunday, November 2, 2014

I know you are surprised... me to.. thought perhaps I didn't know how to use this website anymore =)

With me traveling more and more  the requests for pictures and blogging have started.. and so here it is.  Its not that I didn't want to this past year but just kind of fell out of the routine now I  have the time!!  (all the pics are iphone as I don't have space for my camera and lenses)

I have taken a 6 month leave of absence from my regular job to do some travel nursing. I have been hired by a agency who contracts out to hard to fill positions around the province.  Its a change and a challenge professionally which I am excited for.

  In the beginning of the month I spent 2 weeks in Clearwater- a small town north of Kamloops.  It was a good first experience and I took full advantage of Well's Gray Park while I was there.  It was a  gorgeous park full of waterfalls and alpine. I had one full day to explore and one morning before nights
Dutch Lake- About a 2 km walk from my apartment it was where I sat and read and ate dinner before my nights when I couldn't sleep
 Helmeckan Falls- the pride and joy of the park.  This is the view from the drive in view point
Walked in 5 km along the river to the drop point for this shot
 On my waterfall day I also went to Spats Falls
 Dawson Falls
 And Moul Falls
 Behind the falls- going in or behind falls always takes my breath away.. not sure if it is the vacuum from the water or what causes it

The day after the falls I hiked up into the alpine meadows

Currently I am in Hartley Bay- It is a small First Nations Community of about 160 people and I am one of two nurses in the community. There is a clinic run by the First Nations Health Authority.  It is a ER/PublicHealth/FamilyDoctor type of situation.  There are no other health care resources or professionals in the community.
I got to the community via boat from Prince Rupert. 
This is where it is located- right on the coast at the head of Douglas Channel

 Hartley Bay is built up on stilts- so there are no roads. The roadways are board walks.  As there are no roads there are no cars. Just golf carts or quads.  This is the golf cart that belongs to the nurses
 Housing is provided by the FNHA- I have my own half of a duplex
 The Ambulance- mini golf cart style - also the community has a fire truck and a police golf cart

 My radio friend for when I am on call but out of my house.
 Walked up the boardwalk to the lake today

 Boardwalk through the forest


  1. What an experience, Mel! Hope you thoroughly enjoy it!

  2. Great photos! Especially like the "mini golf" ambulance! So glad to see you are enjoying your travel nursing experience. Enjoy the adventure!
