Tuesday, December 20, 2011


So the picture is not the clearest.  All of the squiggly lines are a visual representation of the electrical conduction of the heart.  The first two strips so the fastest heart rate I have ever seen on a walking/talking person. 248  So fast. So cool.
So this person had fast tracked straight to the trauma room where I proceeded to stick cardiac leads, and IV in and the "pads" on.  I pulled up my most favorite drug EVER.. adenosine. Its a medication that temporarily stops ones heart so the regular pace making center of the heart can take over and resume a regular rhythm.
However I never got to push the medication.  The ECG tech showed up and I had to move the Pads so she could put her stickies on.  As I peeled the pad back, the patient gave a shocked gasp as with them came a significant amount of hair off his hairy chest.. within seconds the shock of the unexpected waxing became evident on the monitor and down down down came the heart rate to a respectable 120. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your stories, if I need humour, I look at your blog!!! This is crazy, but yes, that would give anyone a heart stopping experience!!!! Glad it worked out for you! Didn't know adenosine did that, so learned something new! Steph
