Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pesto reflections

mmmmm sitting here eating crab pesto nummyness!! the world would be a sad sad place without pesto, the child of basil, the brilliance of Italians. .you get the picture.. it it doesn't have sugar as an ingredient things most defiantly need to have pesto!! note to those also considering adding pesto as a food group, gum does have to be the corresponding one because the breath does become a bit deadly!! but as i am here I am also thinking about my day. I worked a good day today but it also brought up in my mind how absolutely blessed I am in my life where I am at, but also the question of what would i be like if something drastically changed. In the ER I see everyone from a 3day old baby whose mom is a bit panicky to 99 yr old ladies who are making jokes about how cute the docs are. But in between these are peoples, individuals who are not thriving on life and it makes me wonder and feel incredibly sad. I wonder what demons the man released from rehab the day before are causing him to drink himself into oblivion the next day. Are they the same ones that caused him to tattoo himself with hideousness from head to toe. but then from where came the impeccable manners when he was coherent enough to talk? And where, where is the family of the little old lady who spent upwards of 6 hours in my area before being transferred. Who was with her as was sick for 24hours, called EHS and came to hospital? Is there no one out there who cares for her. These are just two patients from one morning that really make me stop and wonder how many thousands of people live right outside my door without the social supports, love and family that I take so for granted.


  1. i agree with your take on the unattended in hospitals. i often feel the same with the homeless

  2. i cannot imagine being in your position....i am afraid i would take everyone home with me. i was the little girl way back when that took stray kittens home all the time. What a sad and lonely world we live in outside of a warm and loving church.
