Saturday, May 15, 2010

Differant Side of the Coin

So I haven't written much this week at all but just wanted to share a few tidbits with you.
I felt old a few times this week.. not super old but just little things that made me realize that perhaps I might be growing up. Such as you know you are getting old when- 1) Not only am I counting on husbands when friends come over, but now I am trying to sort out in my head where their kids will sleep if they bring them along!! 2) the surgeon that comes to see one of my patients looks like he is no more than 20 and the RCMP officer 12!!!.. well maybe 17 but still.

Do you ever wonder why other people don't see things the same way you do, or don't remember an event or place the way you do. Well this week I had a great example of how we all see things differently. We had an RCMP officer come to see about a patient and afterwards one of us made a comment and the conversation kinda turned into what we had noticed about him.
Arenda said that she noticed he was very tall
Dawn was observing how much stuff he had around his waist compared to what we carried in our pockets
Tamara, who was interested in guns, noticed that one of his wasn't loaded
I remarked on how I had thought his vest looked very warm for the summer, (oh and that this one didn't look 12!!)
I just thought how this is really how we all go through life and really should be more patient and understanding when others don't always see our perspective.

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