Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ten on Thursday

1) I love how all the colours are so much more green and purple after a good rain

2)Today we are going for a working breakfast with our fabulous clinical instructor from clinical one. I am so so going to miss Adrien, she she questioned me to death to make sure I knew and understood all the pathology of what was happening to my patients and what I was going to do about it. But she also instilled in me the confidence that if I had skills and knowledge to care for people that two months ago I would have been backing off in fright.

3) My puppy dog is sticking closer to home that past day after spending a night in the wild blue yonder. The battery on her collar had been dead and she in hot pursuit of something must have crossed the boundary and took off. Post walking around with flashlights in the rain for one hour and a rather sleepless night for some, she returned in the morning. Soaking wet and not telling where she had been =;)

4)Does anyone have any recommendations for a little car tool kit? I spent an hour with my telemechanic (aka dad) after my car sprung a leak in the coolant system in New West and one of the findings of the report of the incident stated that I need to have my own tools!!!

5) Also relating to car spewing steam is that God really does care about your cell phone. Mine was deader than dead. but I (who have never prayed for a cell phone before) prayed, and was revived long enough for the telemachinicing, and promptly died after Clarice was fixed!! Recommendation from the report stated that I should probably have my car phone charger in my car!!

6)We had the director of Insite the safe injection site in Vancouver come and talk to us at school about harm reduction. I realize all the benefits of the harm reduction strategies and the good that it does, but I just cant wrap my head around the fact that it is illegal.

7) Getting excited about the photography course coming up at the end of June!!

8) I got my papers submitted for sailing at the end of August. 10days. the west coast. sailing. friends. amazing times ahead.

9) Amy, my favorite youngest sister is coming home next week for a week!!!! Super Super proud of her for completing her unit clerk course with straight A's!!!

10) Happy that after tomorrows MONSTER exam, I have a few commute free days and its the weekend!!.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to witness our God doing amazing things! We must never under estimate what He can do when it just seems impossible to us. Glad to hear you made it safely home!

    Hope your dog wasn't in heat,
    or you will be having more puppies. Glad to
    hear she made it safely home as well!
